We continually upgrade our Outreach programs to meet the many changes and needs of our communtiy. With increased funding many more programs could be further developed and implemented.
The Outreach Programs listed below are currently in effect:
Food Pantry Program: Food Baskets are offered to those that adhere to the Federal Poverty Guidelines set forth by the USDA. These baskets include nutritious food products such as meat, vegetables, fruits, and other products to assist in promoting family health; they are also culturally sensitive by offering beans and rice to our Hispanic or Haitian families. In 2014, the Haven of Hope distributed over 76,000 pounds of food from the Second Harvest Food Bank and in 2015 this rose to over 88,000 lb's. This did not include food from other locations, such as the weekly bread drop off, the holiday basket distribution, and our hot meals for the homeless program. In 2014, we assisted 1170 families with food on a regular basis. In 2021 the numbers of families was increased to 2446. These numbers do not reflect the many homeless that are fed and clothed on a weekly basis. Each year the numbers are growing as are the needs. According to the records at the Second Harvest Food Bank we provided 215,792 meals in 2024 to 13,487 individuals.
Food products appropriated for the homeless are distributed as well as bags that assist with personal hygiene products. blankets, pillows, and other items. These items assist in making life a little easier for those that are the most needy. At this time two outreaches are in place, going out from the Haven of Hope to where the homeless live and provide food and clothing.
Clothing Pantry Program: Clothing is available to those living in extreme poverty. This includes the homeless and those that are in extreme need. Many come to us with light sandles on there feet. Shoes and socks are given to those in need. During the colder weather, warm jackets and blankets are made available to the homeless.
Referral Program: One of the things that we acknowledge at the of Hope Ministries is that we can't do it all. Many come to our agency that are homeless, HIV infected, or with substance abuse and mental health issues. We provide the assistance to research and make the appropriate referrals to the agencies that can assist them when we can not. Partnerships are being made on a regular basis with other agencies that provide specialty services to those in need. One of the areas that we focus on is in the area of housing. We are taking eligable individuals in need of housing and placing them in transitional houses.
Homeless Outreach Program: A program is in place to reach out to the homeless population in Central Florida. The numbers are increasing and it is our goal to go out into the community to reach those in need. Many come to the HOH that are living outside and are in need of food, blankets, shoes, and personal hygiene items. The need is especially evident during the colder months and blankets, and warm clothing are being distributed. In 2024 we distributed approximately 90 tents, personal hygiene items, tents, and other items to two tent cities in the Central Florida area. Not only are we meeting the practical needs of these individuals but through the distribution of tracts and Bibles we are planting seeds of encouragement to this underserved population.
International Outreach to India: An outreach began in a very poor area of India. This is focusing on reaching many families, orphans, and those living with HIV and Leprocy. At this time the Haven of Hope has placed two bore wells in area's of extreme poverty. The orphanage that we assist houses thirty students. Please check the website at www.havenofhope.in for further information about this wonderful outreach. If you would like to donate to it please indicate on your donation that you want the money to go to help the very poor in India. All money would go to this outreach, primarily to feed the orphans.